Monday, April 20, 2009

The Beginning of an Adventure

Tomorrow morning, I'm not sure what time, but I am leaving to travel down to Virginia to check out the college that I will be attending this Fall Term. It will be over a 700 mile drive down there (we will be stopping in Philadelphia and spending the night there), then we will continue on to Salem. I will be taking pictures, and possibly videos, to show the folks at home and friends abroad the place that I will be spending the next 4 years of my life.

I will be checking out the residence halls, classrooms (the ones not being used for exams), the campus and the local area. I won't have a car while I'm down there, but I will have a bike, so I will need to look around for where I can go with that. I hope that I won't be interrupting anything while I go down there. I know they are taking their exams at the time that I go down there, so I really don't want to be intrusive ._.

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