Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Can I Do?

I have just received bad news from my boyfriend of two months: he got kicked out of his friend's place. It just seems like our lives have been cursed. Ever since we started going out, he has been kicked out of his house, moved into his friend Meg's house, was at risk of getting kicked out there (he started to make preparations to move in with his friend Tim) and has finally been kicked out indefinetly. I feel like there is nothing that I can do to help him out. He doesn't want to move back in with his mom just because of all the stuff she put him through, and he isn't sure if he can live with Tim. I want to help him out, I really do, but what can I do? Our apartment downstairs is occupied for the time being, and my mom would never allow him to stay here, just because she does not like the age difference in our relationship. I feel like that no matter what happens to him, I want to help but i am unable to. Where can he go for help if his girlfriend isn't even able to help him with this? I feel useless. I want to comfort him, just help him to relax and not so stressed out. What can I do to help him?

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