Sunday, January 11, 2009

Chapter One - Introductions to the Wings

This is the first account of the disciple of the Dark Goddess. The wings that carry the words of the Dark Mother, her praise and her power, her influence and her judgement; I take their form. The Dark One, fled from Eden because of the injustice brought upon her, escaping domination for equality, she moves through the shadows of night in all-knowing silence.

I am the disciple of the Dark Mother. Created from the earth, I praise the earth for it brought life to the lifeless and inanimate. I praise the Darkness' views, for her views are my own. I am the black feathers that compose her wings, the soft darkness that brush against the cheeks of the wandering, just as a gentle breeze does in the early morning hours.

This manuscript is just the beginning to a new world unfolding which no eyes have ever fully seen, nor the mind fully comprehended.

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