Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Trials - The Next Dawn, the Final Tests

Tomorrow will be the final trials, the test to determine if we've come as far as expected of us -midterms. Yes, the dreaded exams where tentative students sit in their chairs at 7:24 in the morning and prepare their minds for question upon question of information they may never see again in their future. The pens and pencils gripped in their hands, the calculators and cheat sheets, the note paper and tests- all are unpleasant, especially for the unprepared.

Tomorrow, I have Orchestra (write an in class essay on how to practice, then show up for rehearsal at 7:20), then AP Biology (4 open response questions). Oh, the humanity! I simply cannot accomplish this much in such a short amount of time *Insert sarcasm*! To be honest, I've found these tests to be, well, not as difficult as I had expected it to be. I've studied and reviewed a lot of what I've learned and noticed when testing time came, I didn't have too many problems. There are my weaknesses, but I surprised myself and did as much as I could and I feel confident I at least passed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a slide.

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